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Join AATE for the 2024-2025 school year for free attendance to quarterly meetings!




Lazy Dog Perimeter Restaurant 

September 12th, 5pm-7pm

Mount Vernon School

October 23rd

                   Woodward Academy

January 10th, ATLIS/Toddle 10 Yr Reunion 

Holy Innocents

February 20th


March 17th


Upcoming Events

    • 20 Feb 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 2:05 PM
    • 805 Mount Vernon Highway NW, Atlanta, GA 30327

    We are excited to announce that our next meeting will take place at Holy Innocents on Thursday, February 20th.  Christina Lewellen, the President and CEO of the Association of Technology Leaders in Independent Schools (ATLIS) will lead our keynote entitled Unblocking Productivity and Wellness with AI. 

    We will start the day with a Wellness Roundtable from 9:00 am - 10:45 pm. This is a newly formed networking opportunity and we hope you will forward this invite to your those interested in your schools. 

    Your experience is important to us. During registration, please select your preferred sessions and meal options. Here's a sneak peek of our agenda and afternoon session lineup:

    Session 1 (12:30 pm - 1:15 pm):

    • AI Literacy: Development and Progression K-12
    • Coding for Art
    • Immersive Screen
    • PEAK Leadership Institute

    Session 2 (1:20 pm - 2:05 pm):

    • AI & Assessments Updates
    • Music Production
    • Global Round Square
    • Tech Round Table

    Spread the Word: We encourage you to extend this invitation to your fellow educators and contacts. Please complete your registration promptly to help us make seamless arrangements. 

    We are excited to kick off the year with fresh ideas, meaningful connections, and inspiring moments. We look forward to seeing you there!

    Warm regards,


    Connie White

    AATE President


The Atlanta Area Technology Educators (AATE) organization began more than thirty years ago with six members. Our current contacts include over 225 technology educators with an average of 100  members attending quarterly meetings.
The members consist of technology leaders, classroom teachers, and administrators from public and private schools, education and technology consultants, as well as a small number of vendors. Each year, AATE members meet quarterly to network and share ideas. 
Meetings typically occur on school days from 11am-2pm during the school year, usually in September, November, February and April. Each meeting is hosted by a different member school, a University, or a local technology related industry. 

AATE exists to support technology educators in networking, innovation and leadership.

Connie White, AATE President,

Woodward Academy

Stacy Brown, The Davis Academy

Nathan Edwards, The Cottage School

Mark LaBouchere, The Westminster School

Charles Allen, Atlanta International School

Jennifer Santi, Mt Vernon School

Marian Rosenberg, St. Pius X Catholic High School


Copyright Atlanta Area Technology Educators
Atlanta Area Technology Educators is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.
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